Thursday 16 November 2006

Bend it like Bikram

Bikram yoga, notorious for its 90 minutes of very hard work at 104° heat, is the kind of thing you do for a dare. Something you have to dare yourself to do, like colonic irrigation, but you do anyway because you've heard it's good for you. Or you want something to occupy your time that'll keep you off of cigarettes, alcohol, narcotics, or obsessing about where your next lay is coming from (or, more likely, what/who you're last one's doing).

So welcome to benditlikebikram, where I'll be keeping a journal of my latest foray into the world of alternative health. Meaning health as an alternative - either to sloth, obsession, gluttony or sheer apathy.

So, I've signed up for a month-long course (at just £29), on the recommendation of my dear friend Rona, who's big into extreme pursuits. Triathlons, marathons, you name it. The introductory offer is of course an absolute bargain, but it's eerily reminiscent of those drug dealers who'll let you try an E for free, knowing that next time they see you, you'll want a cartload. Whether I manage to get addicted to bending myself into shape in an overheated room for 90 minutes at a stretch - that remains to be seen.

1 Comment:

Tiger said...


If you are visiting the USA and want to find a great Bikram yoga studio, check out - it's hot studio locations and reviews, perfect for the traveling Yogi!